Rock acts today seem to find inspiration in Jonas Brothers, Hanson and Miley Cyrus rather than blues based rock bands ala Aerosmith, AC/DC, and Guns N’ Roses. To illustrate, check out Stereo Skyline who was recently a PureVolume featured artist and sees steady plays on their myspace. “I see alot of artists on myspace list modern acts from their own genre as influences. These are not people who have connected to music. If the artist has never connected to music, they won’t create music that connects with others,” says Angela Jenson at Altsounds. Most of these rock bands today simply cannot find an audience and disappear after a couple of performances on Warped Tour.
Nickelback is streaming a new song called ‘Something In Your Mouth‘. We at KOAR were betting that legendary rock producer, Mutt Lange (Def Leppard, AC/DC, Foreigner) would breath new life into Nickelback, but sadly to say, we are getting cold feet. Rock bands today just simply lost their edge except for the slim few like AC/DC and Metallica. Of course Avenged Sevenfold and Disturbed still perform and live like rock stars, but we still need a crop load of new ‘game changing’ bands if rock is looking for a resurgence.
Is it still possible to sell 3 million records and 2 million iTune singles? Absolutely, and is it still achievable for a new artist to be traveling with 3 tour buses and performing at New Jersey’s Meadowlands Arena with an audience so big that cars are causing traffic on the turn pike like a football game? Sure, that’s possible as well. Anything is possible!
Music history shows us that the greatest rock artists had the similar ingredients that caused music listeners to tremble. For instance, Def Leppard (Mutt Lange) who sold millions of records and packed arenas were certainly not original. They just plagiarized and ripped off AC/DC as can be seen in the video
Let It Go.
The moral of the story is stop trying to be original. We pity those acts that find inspiration in Miley Cyrus and Jonas Brothers. Artists that listen to disposable music will create disposable music and the cycle must come to an end. Start referencing legendary bands as your main source of inspiration. Steal from the greatest artists and copy the riffs and slightly re-arrange the choruses and the verses as every guitarist should be able to kick out classic AC/DC riffs.
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