Do you remember where you were on September 11th? I do. I think most of us do. Today we remember the victims. But we also remember that America isn’t immune to atrocities that are carried out by mankind. Where is America now? More divided than ever. September 11 pulled the nation together, for a while at least, while the pandemic has ripped apart the nation. Just the date 9/11 has a ring. It’s like a date that has a divine significance that’s etched in time.
Henry Hudson discovered NYC via the Half Moon Ship on September 11, 1609.
Franklin D. Roosevelt gave his speech on September 11, 1941 that would plant America as a global economic and military superpower.
The US Military Defense The Pentagon started construction on September 11, 1941.
The Towers (which mean greatness) and the Pentagon were attacked on September 11th, 2001.
The replica of Henry Hudson’s Ship called the Half Moon took its first voyage with tourists on September 11, 2001. The ship that discovered NYC on 9/11 sailed past the crumbling towers nearly 400 years later on the same day.
‘So 9/11 was the day NYC was planted. So it became the day of uprooting. And on the day that began its building.. . . came the day of the breaking down.’