Simon wants to change how talent is developed and exposed.He wants to develop blossoming artists who might meet obstacles financially, stylistically or otherwise in trying to break through mainstream standards. Just as “Idol” does with novice singers, the goal is to empower all kinds of performers and “push the boundaries.”Simon will take American Idol to the next level with a songwriting competition that will be incorporated into the show and produce a song that will be sung by the next “American Idol.” Anyone can now compete and write a song that will be sung by the two finalists, broadening the choices for possible finale songs and bring in a whole new competition for fans to follow.
“What drives me is moving forward. That is what my brain is focused on,” he said. “What really excites me is fulfilling my vision. I now have the resources to do everything I want to do.”
MIke Darnell, executive vice president of alternative programming and specials for Fox, called Fuller “a genius” for coming up with a show that other networks call “the tsunami, the tidal wave. It just can’t be stopped.”