KOAR hears that at a hearing on tuesday, the judge ruled in Hawthorne Height’s favor stating that the band could terminate for cause, as such, the lawsuit is not over per victory’s previous press release
Sony/BMG Nashville exec Mark Wright will take over as president of Universal SouthRecords, replacing the label’s founders, Tim Dubois and Tony Brown.
Microsoft Strikes Deal With UMG. Microsoft will pay UMG a fee for every Zune player sold. Microsoft will also pay UMG for thesale of its music. “It’s a major change for the industry,� David Geffen told N.Y. Timesreporter Jeff Leeds, who broke the story. “Each of these devices is used to store unpaid-for material. This way, on top of the material people do pay for, the record companies are getting paid on the devices storing the copied music.�
German Music Publishers Demand YouTube Royalties A spokesman for GEMA told Germany’s Handelsblatt that the popular video service needs to delete all videos with non-licensed German music, or pay up.