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A Virginia hip-hop group RDGLDGRN and UK singer Vanela come together and release a fun track Good Life. Both acts have a colorful background which you can read here. Why did I dedicate space for this track? Because it may lift your spirits. The track is called Good Life after all. Check it out on Indie Invaders Playlist.
Ok, this is a crazy statement, but not really if you think about it. I knew touring would not resume until next year. But Marc Geiger, the former head at William Morris says it’s going to be 2022.
Geiger’s estimation, “It’s going to take that long before, what I call, the germaphobic economy is slowly killed off and replaced by the claustrophobia economy — that’s when people want to get out and go out to dinner and have their lives, go to festivals and shows.”
“It’s my instinct, that’s going to take a while because super-spreader events — sports, shows, festivals, etc. — aren’t going to do too well when the virus is this present,” Geiger added.
Geiger said there are “probably 20” roadblocks that need to be overcome before live music can return. “The virus and illness being one, spacing and density” being another, he explained. A third, Geiger noted, will be insurance and liability. “With [COVID], there’s infinite liability,” he said, noting the challenge venues and promoters will face in finding an insurer willing to cover their events.
England on the other hand will begin allowing indoor performances next month.
Boris Johnson said “From 1 August, we will restart live indoor performances to a live audience subject to the success of pilots, and we will pilot larger gatherings, with a view to a wider reopening in the autumn… From October, we intend to bring back audiences in stadia and to allow conferences and other business events to recommence. These changes have to be made in a covid-secure way subject to pilots.”
As TikTok dies a slow death, Instagram Reels goes in for the kill. The Chinese owned app TikTok has faced scrutiny in nearly every nation, and with India aka as high tech city banning the app people are fleeing faster than New Yorkers.
Instagram see’s a new fresh opportunity and will introduce a new “Reels” feature. It will arrive to the U.S. in early August
What is Instagram reels? It’s a TikTok-style short-form video feature that allows users to record and edit 15-second video clips with audio and music soundtracks. Facebook is set to roll out Reels in 50 countries “in a matter of weeks.”
When the feature arrives check out the video which shows you how to use Instagram Reels.
SAREYA just released a fun uptempo track Hiding Place. She released two singles last year which were more chill but her newer batch are more playful that shows a more brighter side of the Canadian singer – songwriter. She says, “I want my music to speak to people. I want to create a wide variety of music that anyone can relate to, no matter what age they are or what state of mind they’re in. I want my music to convey many different messages because life is complicated and creates different struggles for everyone. I want to express my heartbreak, life battles, what I’ve witnessed, seen and experienced through music in hopes that others find comfort in knowing that there is someone out there that feels the same as they do.”