Update/News: Erin Martin is currently battling it out on NBC’s The Voice. The performance can be seen here.
Buzz Track: Come Together
Erin Martin, a Kings favorite falls between Amy Winehouse and Nelly Furtado. Martin has performed at Chicago’s Summerfest and Lollapalooza, opened for De La Soul and “American Idol” finalist Amanda Overymeyer, and was featured on the Roy Davis Jr. track “I Have a Vision,” which reached No. 3 on the UK dance charts.
Contact: roger@kmamanagement.com
Buzz Track: Doses
Makari released an EP titled “The Escape” which was recorded with Jason Andrews in Atlanta, GA. The second single titled “Doses” was just released was recorded with Brooks Paschal (Paramore, Panic At The Disco, Versa Emerge, There For Tomorrow). They were featured as an unsigned artist of the month in Alternative Press and they will perform the Florida Music Fest in Orlando, FL on April 19th.
Contact: makariband@gmail.com
Lexie Hofer – Love Sick
Act As If – Walk Out On Me
Super Water Sympathy – Cherokee
The Rassle – 21
Mikey Wax – Counting On You
Kill The Drive – Monsters in My Bed
Antonia Vai – Moth to a Flame
Ready Goes – Famous
Buzz Track: Tonight
Kings favorite, singer-songwriter Tiffany Kuenzi has been creating a buzz. Her most recent and recorded song ‘Tonight’ is the reason she’s been asked to perform NashVegas Live!, an event that takes place during the American Country Awards. She has established her own record label called Kona Dog Records. Kuenzi will spend the next several weeks in Nashville writing and recording.
Contact: ordiner@aol.com
Buzz Track: Famous
Ready Goes has become a Kings favorite. The band just released an EP Titled ‘Like A Bomb’ in February which was produced by Dustin Burnett (Newsboys, Augustana, Kingsfoil, Find Vienna). They perform regularly the Varsity Theatre and the Fineline in Minneapolis. Several songs have been featured on on “The Hills”, “One Tree Hill”, and “Keeping Up with the Kardasians”.
Contact: rg@readygoes.com