Empire of the Sun is a 1984 novel by J. G. Ballard, but it’s also a electroacoustic act that are rooted in Australia. There debut album album Walking On A Dream was released February 16th via Capitol Records. The album debut at #21 on the UK album chart and the album and single Walking On A Dream went platinum in Australia. The new single We Are The People will be released in the UK on May 4th.
Flashback: Pet Shop Boys – West End Girls
Los Angeles singer songwriter Jay Nash who falls into folk rock has a string of dates in California. Check out the track Statues and Memories. For more information contact karl.rybacki@songwisemusic.com
The founders of file-sharing website The Pirate Bay have been charged for breaking copyright laws and have been sentenced to a year in prison in Sweden for helping millions of users download music, movies and games.
Some believe that this landmark trial could be the initial first step in ending illegal downloading which has cost entertainment companies billions of dollars.
“The four were also ordered to pay $3.6 m (£2.4m) in damages to copyright holders, including Warner Brothers, MGM, Columbia Pictures, 20th Century Fox Films, Sony and Universal, according to Swedish media reports.” (Telegraph)
File sharing sites like Pirate Bay diminishes the value of music , undermines investment in music, and do nothing to reward artists and creators.
Check out the track Take and Take by Garfield Mayor -Â KOARs new favorite singer/songwriter. Mayor cites Bob Marley, Paul Simon, The Eagles, Gomez, and Pink Floyd as influences. Apparently, the pro writers and musicians are rooted overseas. Garfield Mayor, who hails from Coventry, England is the first artist to sign to R-Tel, a new start up label started by Matchbox Twenty’s Rob Thomas and EMI Publishing Executive Evan Lamberg. In fact, Rob Thomas will tour in support of his upcoming solo record ‘Cradlesong’ this June and touted Garfield Mayor as the opening act. Check out the video for Take and Take.