Check out Boys Like You like KELLA. It’s a well crafted song, but then again, the Los Angeles based pop artist is a songwriter having written songs with Bülow, Nina Nesbitt, The Him, The Ready Set and Virginia To Vega. She says, “I’ve been in my fair share of failed relationships in the past. When I finally met a guy who checked all the boxes, it felt too good to be true. Everything inside of me wanted to run away, but I couldn’t. It was terrifying but was the most freeing experience of my life. To just let go of preconceived notions and let myself fall in love.”
Tired of the old Taylor? Well, a new Taylor has arrived in the male version. His name is Conan Gray. His biggest influence is Taylor and credits her for his love of music. The 21 year old electro acoustic pop artist was born to an Irish dad and a Japanese mom. He moved around a lot, rarely in one place. That’s where you want to be as a songwriter, always on the move with new experiences, new scenes, and new faces. He was enrolled as a college student at UCLA. He was building his career while attending classes during the day. You see? You don’t even need college anymore. Plus he saved a a bucketload of money. The hundreds of thousands that would have went into UCLA now can go into tour production – once live entertainment venues reopen. He has played ton of shows, opened up for Panic! At The Disco in 2019 and has a million of subscribers. Now, Conan is set to conquer the mainstream with the ballad Heather. You may start hearing the track on top 40 radio as it just made its debut on the Official UK Singles Chart.
You need to listen to the track Sunrise by Willow Robinson. It’s an epic track that belongs in an apocalyptic film. Seriously, give it a few listens, it’s pretty amazing. Willow Robinson was just BBC Radio’s Artist of the Week and he has an upcoming sync in the series “American Gods.” The latest release comes off the three song EP Titled Summer – prior to that, Robinson released the 3 track Winter EP and Spring. Very clever and creative. Give it a stream on KOAR’s Indie Invaders.
I couldn’t help but to give Jane a shoutout with her quirky indie pop track MANCHILD. You may like it if you’re a fan of experimental pop, think Canadian artist Grimes. The New York-based singer, songwriter and producer also made some waves with her previous releases BIRTHCONTROL’ and ‘boys 2 MEN’. Give it a stream.
Do you remember where you were on September 11th? I do. I think most of us do. Today we remember the victims. But we also remember that America isn’t immune to atrocities that are carried out by mankind. Where is America now? More divided than ever. September 11 pulled the nation together, for a while at least, while the pandemic has ripped apart the nation. Just the date 9/11 has a ring. It’s like a date that has a divine significance that’s etched in time.
Henry Hudson discovered NYC via the Half Moon Ship on September 11, 1609.
Franklin D. Roosevelt gave his speech on September 11, 1941 that would plant America as a global economic and military superpower.
The US Military Defense The Pentagon started construction on September 11, 1941.
The Towers (which mean greatness) and the Pentagon were attacked on September 11th, 2001.
The replica of Henry Hudson’s Ship called the Half Moon took its first voyage with tourists on September 11, 2001. The ship that discovered NYC on 9/11 sailed past the crumbling towers nearly 400 years later on the same day.
‘So 9/11 was the day NYC was planted. So it became the day of uprooting. And on the day that began its building.. . . came the day of the breaking down.’