Major labels have made serious cuts when it comes to staff, and they started with promo and marketing. While it was common knowledge that majors had plenty of fat to trim, the cuts that were made have left a bare bones staff of people too busy to be interested in the music they’re working. Any one person is working more records than is really possible, and although they are paying for the assistance of 3rd party PR companies, this kind of disorganization at the top always trickles down. For marketing departments to handle the workload, they have adopted a very simplistic template for press that they can plug any artist into, making only minor changes. Here’s what you need to work a major label record to press: 2 press releases, 1 bio, 1 audio link, 1 video link, tour dates, ad budget. Unfortunately, this standard set by majors has been adopted by essentially everyone, and ‘not knowing anything about what you’re working’ has become somewhat commonplace.
Since PR companies are given so few materials from their clients, there isn’t much more they can pass along to their press outlets, except maybe a few pictures. The main reason they are hired by labels in the first place isn’t really to ‘do press’ but to manage the ad buys and make sure people print the press releases. Where a successful PR agent once knew all of the big players in print personally, they are now maintaining spreadsheets to keep track of the thousands of music sites and blogs, a list that changes almost daily. These sites and blogs are of varying quality and reach, and their writers are of varying skill and taste, meaning for every good review, I’ll show you 10 bad ones and vice versa. While the actual work load is relatively minimal for just one band in this template system, PR companies are also feeling the pinch of an industry hemorrhaging money, and are picking up as many clients as possible to make up the difference. And while they aren’t being given any real information about the acts they’re working and most of the time have never even heard the music, they are still expected to produce results from their campaigns. They must report back with every site and magazine that has written about the artist and anywhere ads have been placed.
The average music site will receive upwards of 50 press releases a day. In a given week, they will be introduced to approximately 30 new bands, all of whom are ‘the next big thing.’ From the PR companies they work with, they are expected to print every press release and all of the tour dates, post the songs and videos from the acts and then review the album. While MOST sites will never receive money from labels or artists, many can be included in bulk ad buys through a number of companies, where they make fractions of a penny per day from their ad space. The constant flux of music sites and blogs can be attributed to how easy it is to start one, but how difficult it is to maintain. Writers are being bombarded by people demanding exposure, most of them not worthy of it, and find it difficult to break even, let alone turn a profit. Additionally, those who created sites because of their love of music quickly learn that not only does love not pay the bills, but the serious reporting they were hoping to do is made near impossible by the lack of information and access available. Magazines are certainly experiencing these same problems, and then some, as their ad space costs about 5 to 10 times more than what can be purchased on websites. The cost of producing a physical magazine is much higher than a web page, and finding someone who can afford the space often takes precendence over unearthing the underground.
Unknown artists do not break ground in press without ad budgets. Most press outlets are too broke to be concerned with hooking someone up, unless they’re being hooked up in return. Perhaps, if they’re creative, they can appeal to the right hipster journalists at the bigger rags and gain a little traction, but that hasn’t proven useful as those artists rarely achieve significant sales as a result. Now, I am not saying that press is pointless, but I will say that for music, it is completely dominated by those who can afford to purchase a writer’s time and pay for ad space. Real music journalism is barely alive today. Real writers who see the stories and wish to pursue them face roadblock after roadblock as their PR contact tries to find the right information for the label contact, who may or may not have heard of the band, but is certainly too busy to be bothered. Reaching out to the bands directly can also be a dead end as writers are bounced between the numerous managers and staffers, if they are able to find contact information at all. And should they finally get that story, the one they had been waiting for, all they can do is hope someone sees it amidst the endless overhyped press releases and ‘purchased’ articles.
So here’s the question:
Even if you DID have the ‘real thing’ on your hands, what would you do about it?
Clarkson has just fired her manager, Jeff Kwatinetz of the management company The Firm, reports Us Weekly.
A source tells the mag, “It happened last night. They disagreed over the songs and the direction. “Everyone is surprised.”
KOAR knew this was coming, to many chefs in the kitchen.
The one time hot shot Beverly Hills Management Company has lost most of their King Pin artists including Kelly, Linkin Park, Staind, 30 Seconds to Mars, etc..
Kelly, we will say it again, and again, and again….you are a rock star!
Royal Bliss signs to Capitol/Virgin Records.
Downtown Records, label home to Gnarls Barkley and Cold War Kids, is planning to partner with Internet entrepreneur Peter Rojas on a new online label venture featuring ad-supported free music.
Warner Music Group released a brief statement stated that it was still considering an offer for EMI.
Relentless touring and a single at radio pays off for Papa Roach…..
Papa Roach began with a slow start with the release of Paramour Sessions moving only 6,000 a week. The record is picking up steam moving 10k a week and now getting 50k plays a day on myspace after the release of the second single ‘Forever’ which is an active rock and fan favorite.
It always feels like somebody’s watching Me: YouTube will test video ID with Time Warner and Walt Disney.
YouTube who has come under fire for copyright infrigement will test a new video identification technology with the largest media companies, including Time Warner Walt Disney. The technology, developed by engineers will help content owners such as movie and TV studios identify videos uploaded to the site without the copyright owner’s
Clarkson’s up and coming interview with Elle Mag. KOAR is following the Clarkson story because we want to show aspiring artists how to work the media. Also want to show the negative effect of media slavery.
On battling with record industry executives over the release of My December:
“I’ve sold more than 15 million records worldwide, and still nobody listens to what I have to say. Because I’m 25 and a woman…My resistance upsets a lot of people, because we could make a lot of money. And I’m not hatin’ on money. But you know in Funny Girl, when they make Barbara Streisand sing the ‘beautiful girl’ song, and she is singing these lyrics and she knows she’s not that person? I’m just not comfortable doing things that don’t feel like me.”
On declining an offer of $10 million by Clive Davis (pictured right) to ditch five of her songs for more radio-friendly picks of his choosing:
“I am a good singer, so I can’t possibly be a good writer. Women can’t possibly be good at two things. I haven’t lost my temper about it. It only drives me more. If your thing is to bring me down, cool. I’ll just work harder.”
On being famous:
“I could give a crap about being a star. I’ve always just wanted to sing and write.”
On unflattering paparazzi shots:
“I’m fine with it. I just don’t care. I don’t wear makeup in public. I don’t worry about what I’m wearing. Hell, I wore pajamas in high school.”
On being ambivalent about her success:
“It is weird when a 12-year-old tells me I am their favorite artist. I’m always like, It’s just because you’re young and you haven’t heard everybody yet. In time, I’ll be weeded out. And that’s cool. I know I’m good singer, but I know who I am, too.”
Great interview with Clarkson. She is confident and in control maintaining focus as the media machine attempts to take her down. We said it before and we say it again, “You are a rock star Kelly”. Nice job!
What happened to the Rock Stars?
All The media outlets are producing some type of rock star except for Music?
Forgoodness sakes! Simon Cowell is more interesting to look at than the karaoke singers.
Say What?
The public is so bored that their eyes are glued to Paris Hilton and Lindsay? At least the socialites are living up to the public expectations. The public is bored and they should be!
Did artists forget how to become rock stars?
Axl Rose returned briefly in 06, and he didn’t forget to bitch slap Tommy Hilfiger. Thanks Axl. You are a true rockstar. Keith Richards smoked up his grandfathers ashes. Whether true or not, its genius. Amy Winehouse is intriguing, a coked up rocker unable to perform. Rap stars were rock stars for a millisecond until kids figured out they were greedy hustlers concerned about their bank accounts. Rock stars don’t save money, they light their cash on fire.
Tattoos, eyeliner, and black clothing don’t automatically turn someone into a rock star. Passion, intensity, and belief are the true ingredients. Who is responsible for selling records? The labels or the act itself? or both? Unless an act consisently writes Beatle quality top 40 songs, you can’t sell squat if consumers aren’t passionate about the act.
Any rock stars on the Warped Tour? Nope. Although Davey Havok from AFI does a good job creating a live experience. Any rock stars on the Ozzfest? Nope. Maybe Ozzy himself but all he has left is vital signs and a nagging wife.
One year I was backstage at the Ozzfest overhearing the stage manager yelling at some hardcore act to get their shit off the stage. Thats the type of of respect these acts get. “Get your amps and kit off the stage now, we are on a time schedule”. Next act?
Except for a few, artists today can’t even sell out 3,000 seaters. How do promoters get the audience attention today? They need to gather up 200 acts, circus clowns, elephants, tents, and popcorn machines. If a petting zoo isn’t attractive, we will give away free tickets (Ozzfest 2007).
Oh, let me hear the excuses! Things change…. We are living in a different times. ….Society has changed…. Kids have changed….. Video games…… MySpace…… The national mood has changed….. Self Worship…… Bull! no excuse for the lack of rock stars that had the ability to persuade 15,000 kids to congregate in one place.
We are waiting…………………………………………..